3 ways to Give Birth to YOUR NEXT!!

Reader, your life is valuable. The Bible says in Psalm 90:10 that our life span is 70 years, maybe 80 if we are strong. With everything that we are to accomplish over a lifetime, it seems that we need a supernatural acceleration to give birth to what we are carrying.

While it may seem impossible, there are ways to shift your mindset, to get you to your next faster and get unstuck from damaging and delaying cycles. This birthing experience can be arduous, but believe me – it's worth it!

Recognize that God wants to use YOU!

I hear from so many people who doubt their importance in the body of Christ. You are not on earth to take up space. That would mean that God is wasteful and unstrategic. No, God has a plan and a purpose inside of you! If you abort the ideas and dreams inside, how can you give birth to them? It's not about your capability. It's about your availability.

Calibrate Your Spiritual Compass

So many people have decided that this Christian walk is all about them. Like it's a me, me, my, my, mine, mine kinda walk. NO! It's about Christ. What you are pregnant with will FULFILL want HE wants, and let me tell you right now, what He wants is SOULS!! He wants to see the world come back to the Father, and you, being a believer, are instrumental. So change your goals, get a soul for Christ! This one change will give you the favor you need to for your water to break! It's time to PUSH!

Stay focused

We face so many distractions from day to day, and it can be hard to accomplish our goals. If you are like me, you need to take time with God every day to stay focused on the GOAL! If you have ever watched a woman in labor, she is laser-focused. Everything in her body has constricted her to a birthing position. She can't walk, she can't eat, she can't sleep. The only thing she can do is PUSH!! I challenge you to get the focus of a woman in labor. You will be one step closer if not already in the NEXT season of your life.

Want more ways to give birth to YOUR NEXT? Then, register for The Birthing Chamber Conference. We have over 23 spiritual midwives (speakers and worshippers) that will set you up for the NEXT big thing that GOD is using you to birth!! The atmosphere will be charged with the glory of God! and The best part? The cost is less than any conference out there. You will be fed physically and spiritually. We've got you covered!

Still not convinced? Check out our WISE Breakout Sessions that will induce your labor.


  • Minister Solape Osoba will teach on Worship. If you don't have a worship lifestyle, then you are barren. Worship is the intimacy you need to conceive.
  • Ministers Nichole Cooper & Liam Bernhard will teach about flags and dance in worship. This is like a mini-workshop, so bring your flags and get ready to dance, sing and worship.


  • Authors Yaisa Mann and Felicia Tucker will share their stories of overcoming and becoming. If you have been down, depressed, and stagnant, you need to hear these women! They will inspire you to PUSH and give birth to the life you are called to live.

Strategy & Execution

  • We have two dynamic speakers, Pastors Torrey Montgomery and Guillermo Rivera, who will deal with your post-partum recovery. You need a strategy to get your vision, ministry, and/or business off the ground. And, you need the gift of execution to see this thing come to pass. You will not keep your dream on paper. It will become a reality!!

So much good stuff!

If you don't have your ticket yet, click here for more information or click here to be directed to our ticket page for you to purchase your General Attendee (in-person) or Virtual option.

LaCreasha Ruffin,

Lead Minister of Broken Veil, Inc.

Compelling Cree

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